In 2015 I was awarded a Clare Boothe Luce fellowship to do summer research with Sara Hendren, a design professor, and Caitrin Lynch, an anthropology professor. The CBL fellowship is awarded to women in fields where they are often under-represented-- in math, science, and engineering fields. The Luce Foundation is the most significant source of private support for women in STEM fields.
During my fellowship I started my ability research with professor Sara Hendren, I worked with professor Caitrin Lynch doing anthropological fieldwork in one of the last remaining textile factories, and I helped create content for Engineering at home is a website about Cindy, a Wellesley resident who had multiple amputations after a heart attack in 2009. Since that life-changing event, Cindy had been cultivating unlikely objects to facilitate every day tasks. "We share Cindy’s story as one step in a campaign to create a more inclusive engineering discipline, where engineers re-open the research paradigm to include high- and low-tech devices, experts and amateurs, labs and living rooms." As a part of my fellowship, I also wrote and presented a paper at a11ybos, an accessibility conference. |
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